Support us & Zevolution
Greetings to you all dear survival game enthusiasts. Some of you already know that Zevolution is being developed mostly by one person
and has been since the beginning of 2019. I am putting all my resources into this great project.
Over 19,000 hours have already been invested and my first goal is to deliver a high quality and stable Early Access version.
Right now I need your help more than ever!
You can support the project on Patreon.
[Last updated: 10/02/2022]
Support now!
Patreon Tier Rewards

- Digital Copy of Zevolution (Steam)
- In-game title “Early Survivor“
- Golden Retriever skin for tamed dogs
- The cap “Early Survivor” for your characters (customizable)
- Discord role „Backer“
- Your name in the credits of all videos and in-game

- Digital Copy of Zevolution (Steam)
- Closed Alpha Access
- In-game title “Early Survivor” & “I am ready for a bumpy start“
- Golden Retriever skin for tamed dogs
- The cap “Early Survivor” for your characters (customizable)
- Discord role „Alpha Tester” & “Backer“
- Your name in the credits of all videos and in-game

- Digital Copy of Zevolution: Founder’s Edition I (Steam)
- Closed Alpha Access
- Founder Set: vehicle & weapon skins and deco elements for your house (3d Zombie & Snow Globe)
- Fashion Set: hairstyle, tattoo, clothings and a skin for backpacks (for both genders)
- In-game title “Early Survivor” & “I am ready for a bumpy start” & “Founder“
- Golden Retriever skin for tamed dogs
- The cap “Early Survivor” for your characters (customizable)
- Discord role „Alpha Tester“, “Backer“ & “Founder“
- Your name in the credits of all videos and in-game

- Digital Copy of Zevolution: Founder’s Edition II (Steam)
- 2x Closed Alpha Access
- Founder Set I: vehicle & weapon skins and deco elements for your house (3d Zombie & Snow Globe)
- Founder Set II: heli, horse & weapon skins and deco elements for your house (The Wild Wyvern & Aquarium)
- Fashion Set: hairstyle, tattoo, clothings and a skin for backpacks (for both genders)
- In-game title “Early Survivor” & “I am ready for a bumpy start” & “Founder“
- Golden Retriever skin for tamed dogs
- The cap “Early Survivor” for your characters (customizable)
- Discord role „Alpha Tester“, “Backer“ & “Founder“
- Your name in the credits of all videos and in-game